Unlocking plastics recycling, reuse, business and product development - Annual Event of the PlastLIFE project for sustainable circular economy of plastics

News 2024-06-17 at 13:58

Welcome to the annual seminar of the PlastLIFE project on the 20th of November 2024. The seminar will be held in Kilta-sali (Lapinrinne 1, 00180 Helsinki) near the center of Helsinki and with remote participation possible.

The seminar will last from 9 am to 4 pm with presentations from three key topics: the work done in the PlastLIFE project focusing on artificial turfs, lengthening the lifetime of products and reducing waste and product and business development. The seminar will be held entirely in English. Lunch and refreshments will be served for participants. 



(changes possible)

09.00 Opening of the seminar


Session 1: Artificial turfs

75 Fields, 3 Solutions: How to tackle circularity challenges of artificial turfs, Erik Nyroos, City of Helsinki

Environmental impact assesment of artificial turf at its end of life, Amirsohrab Falsafi, LUT University

Finnish Environment Institute's work on artificial turfs, Päivi Fjäder, Finnish Environment Institute

Commentary, Ilkka Räsänen, City of Lappeenranta


11.00 - 12.00 Lunch


Session 2: Lengthening the lifetime of products and reducing waste

Keynote speaker: Henk Dillingh, Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands

Results from transition arena discussions on promoting reuse of plastics, Hanna Salmenperä, Finnish Environment Institute

Results from citizen panel dicussions, Kati Pitkänen, Finnish Environment Institute


14.00 - 14.30 Coffee 


Session 3: Product and business development

Keynote speaker: Esko Hakanen, Aalto University

Potential of plastics in removal of harmful substances and heavy metals from wastewaters, Kia Koskinen and Siiri Perämäki, University of Jyväskylä

The Natural Resources Institute Finland's work on product and business development, N.N., The Natural Resources Institute Finland

From idea to market with a product made of recycled materials, Jari Vuorinen, Plastone Oy


16.00 Closing of the seminar



PlastLIFE is a large national cooperation project to promote the circular economy of plastics. The goal is a sustainable circular economy of plastics in Finland by 2035. The seven-year project started in December 2022.


More information

Coordinator Waltteri Heikkilä, Finnish Environment Institute, firstname.lastname@syke.fi


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